This week we’ve been diving into the technicalities of our wedding film aesthetics. As you’ll know from our previous post, we’ve just upgraded to a new camera. The Sony a7sii is more capable than the Canon DSLRs we shot with in many areas but one novel one is its dynamic range and picture profiles.
We like to think we’ve got a fairly recognisable aesthetic already but we’re always looking to learn more. So we’ve been playing with colour grading.
Shooting some test clips, of a cat and two sprogs, in SLog 2 we had a play about with basic grading. SLog basically retains as much information as possible about the image it captures, including shadows and highlights. The image out of camera is a milky nothing, but bang a LUT on, or play with colour profiles and ping, you’ve got whatever look you want. In the examples below, I was just trying to get a reasonably representative image, with some warmth in the shadows, but the possibilities are endless, especially for wedding films.
Getting the right aesthetic, the right visual feel, for our films is just as important a part of story telling as the composition or music choices. You don’t need to know the work that goes on behind the scenes but if it helps to reassure you that we will leave no stone unturned to do justice to your precious memories then all well and good. If you are thus reassured, get in touch to book us today.