James (the groom) is a big fan of Danny Wallace. I’m going to pause here to celebrate the Dundee connection. Danny is a Dundonian, as am I and James went to Uni in Dundee. Mon the Dee! Anyway, James read Danny’s book Yes Man and determined to act on the principle of saying yes more, when you might otherwise have said no. Who knows what might happen?
So, if my memory of the story serves me properly, one night James was asked along on a night out by friends. He was going to say no but the spiritual mentor of the Danny Wallace told him to say yes, sort of. That night he met Katie.
During his speech he told the beautiful story of that first meeting and it is a great one. Watch the highlight film for a section of that.
Then he was thinking about proposing to Katie and Danny was doing a book signing. James queued up and had what could be described as a more profound/intense conversation with the author than he might be used to. He said that he was going to propose and it was a result of the book Danny wrote.
So it was only fitting that Katie surprised James with a video message from Danny on their wedding day. Watch the video above to see the message and James’ reaction to it.
Good man Danny, good man.