In case you missed it, all organisations trading within and with the EU will be subject to new GDPR legislation which means, basically, that the law is given even more protection to individuals when it comes to companies being dicks with their data (technical term that).
We’re no different, even as a wee boutique wedding film company. So in order for us to send you cool news, very occasionally, we have to have your permission.
So I got Googling what should be in a privacy policy and the answers are as follows, courtesy of this lot and this lot;
- What is the name of our organisation
Peony Films
- What information is being collected?
Email address and phone number, though the phone number is only for texts in 99% of cases.
- Who is collecting it?
We are, via a web form,
- How is it collected?
We are collecting it through our website using Contact Forms integrated with Tave CMS system
We are also using MailChimp,.
- Why is it being collected?
Because we’re sociable and like to share news. This will include details on new highlight releases, notification of any deals offered by other suppliers, information on work done via our sister company Simmerdim and anything else that might be interesting.
- How will it be used?
We’ll email you.
- Who will it be shared with?
No one, No one is getting your data off us, that’s for sure.
- What will be the effect of this on the individuals concerned?
You’ll get an interesting email occasionally.
- Is the intended use likely to cause individuals to object or complain?
We hope not. Someone would have had to have pee’d in your steam iron to make you so grumpy that you want to object to a lovely wee email. Just ignore it if you’re not interested, or …
- Make sure individuals know they can withdraw consent at any time, and how they can do this.
… fire us an email to ask us to delete your details. We have them stored in two locations so that’s easy enough.
- We must actively ask people to opt in. No sneaky pre-ticked boxes here.
Yep, that’s done.
- How will we record the evidence of consensual opt in?
Rave & Mailchimp